Album Pricing

All albums are leather bound albums. Most albums available in multiple colors such as Black, Brown, White, Red, Baby Blue, and Baby Pink. Ask for availability of colors. Most albums also available with more photos ask for availability and pricing.

Brag Albums
Perfect for Moms purse or grandparents as gifts!
2 1/2 x 3 1/2 (10 photos) Brag album  .............................................$30
2 1/2 x 3 1/2 (10 photos) Snap Accordian Brag Album  .............................................$30
3 x 3 (10 photos) Brag Album  .....................................................$35

Parents Albums
4 x 5 (10 photos) Album ...................................................................$80
5 x 7 (20 photos) Album ..................................................................$160

Coffee Table Albums
8 x 8 (20 photos) Album ...............................................................$260
10 x 10 (20 photos) Album ..............................................................$375
12 x 12 (20 photos) Album ..............................................................$520
11 x 14 (20 photos) Album ..............................................................$525

About Me

I am a stay at home mom of two beautiful kids. I love photography and always have so I thought it would be great to start a business. I specialize in all types of events from weddings to newborns.
